Six Half? Completed it.

On Saturday 14 September, the Six Physio team hit the streets, parks and bridges of London to run a half marathon in aid of Prostate Cancer UK.

As you may know from our Instagram campaign and recent blog posts, our CEO, Rupert Crowfoot, is currently receiving treatment for prostate cancer.

In support of Ru and the 1 in 8 men who will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime, Women’s Health and Manual Physiotherapist at Six Physio Chelsea, Kayleigh Robinson, organised a charity run to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK.

Fifteen of the Six Physio team took on the 25km challenge that saw the group run from the Chiswick clinic across London to the Borough branch, passing by every Six Physio clinic along the way.

It was a fantastic day for the run with the sun shining and tunes playing courtesy of Gia’s speaker. The team received lots of support throughout, and many joined for celebration drinks after they crossed the finish line at Borough.

What’s even better is that we have raised over £6,000 for Prostate Cancer UK. Thank you to everyone who has generously donated for this important cause that is close to all our hearts.

It’s not too late to donate so if you would like to contribute, please visit our JustGiving page here.

For more info about prostate cancer, read our blog from Men’s Health Physio, Lucy Burrows, here.

To help men check their risk in 30 seconds, Prostate Cancer UK have an online risk checker available here.

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