Sports Massage


A sports massage isn’t just for athletes.

Actually, its name can be a little misleading, as you don’t have to be particularly sporty to benefit from one. Whether you’re considering a massage to improve post-exercise healing, or would like to relieve the stresses and strains of modern life, we’re here to help.

A Sports Massage will help iron out pains and strains, decrease blood pressure, promote sporting performance and even improve sleep patterns. It relieves tension and anxiety, and incorporates a deep tissue massage with soft tissue manipulation. This works deep into the muscles to support healthy muscle growth, improve mobility, ease pain and tension and reduce the risk of injury.

So whilst sports massage is often used to help athletes and active sportspeople to perform at their best, it’s also beneficial for those who experience discomfort and tension in their bodies caused by everyday stresses, for example office-based workers who sit at a desk all day.

For people who have got back out in the garden or allotment for the first time in a few months, or have started joining the local parkrun or HIIT class, and are noticing some new aches and pains, a sports massage is a great way to relieve muscle tightness and stiffness.

Sports massage is very popular with people preparing for big running or other sporting event as it promotes quicker recovery in the body, so can be an effective addition to your training programme.

Why Six Physio?

We are home to the best massage therapists to give you brilliant, long lasting results. Our Sports Massage Therapists are at the top of their game and understand that each client has a different set of needs. Be it pre or post event, during recovery or maintenance, our team know how to look after your aches and pains.

If you’re interested in booking a massage, check out our price list to assist you in choosing which length of treatment is right for you.

Elite sports

We are trusted by many professional athletes to provide discreet and confidential treatment that is tailored to you and your unique performance goals.

If you are in elite sports and are looking for a new sports massage therapist to help you reach the top of your game, drop us a message on WhatsApp or book an appointment here.

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Parsons Green Clinic
Putney Clinic
HQ Clinic
Select Specialty
  • Consultant Physiotherapist
  • Manual Physio
  • Rehab Physio
Hand Physio
  • Consultant Hand Physiotherapist
  • Hand Physiotherapist
Women's Health Physio
  • Consultant Women's Health Physio
  • Women's Health Physio
  • Consultant Men's & Women's Health Physio
  • Men's & Women's Health Physio
Men's Health Physio
  • Consultant Men's Health Physio
  • Men's Health Physio
  • Consultant Men's & Women's Health Physio
  • Men's & Women's Health Physio
  • Consultant Performance Physio
  • Performance Physio
  • Pilates Physio
  • Pilates Instructor
  • Sports Massage Therapist
  • Pregnancy Massage Therapist
  • TMJ Specialist

Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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