Does a Power Plate sort knee problems?
- Related Injuries: Knees
February 18, 2016
Hello Guru!!
I am looking for a physiotherapist who uses Power Plate. I have minor knee pains and want to get them sorted! I have heard so much about how much power plate help knee problems!
Thank you!
February 18, 2016
Hi Rekha
I can’t think of any decent research out there that advocates the use of a Power Plate over any form of decent, load bearing rehab to help alleviate knee pain.
I guess if you use and have a bought a Power Plate, then you’re going to say it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
A decent, progressive loading program will give you far superior, long results – both anecdotally empirically.
Save you let cash and slowly start to load your knees though range, with good control. Start with squats through small range and low reps and over a period of weeks progress to lunges, bigger range, higher reps with greater weights.
Any increase in pain (and you’ve only got minor pain) then have a few extra days rest before restarting – it means that you’ve done too much too soon or done the wrong stuff!
Have a go.
The Guru