Knee OP
- Related Injuries: Knees
January 11, 2014
atherine Murray-Clark asked The Guru for the following Physiotherapy Advice:
I had surgery on my right knee 6 weeks ago to reattach a segment of bone which I tore off the top off my tibial spine after I fell from a climbing wall, I also tore my medial ligament. I have been wearing a cricket brace and am walking with crutches and partial weight bearing on my right leg.
I have received very little information from the NHS and although I have an appointment with the consultant who carried out my surgery next week I don’t think I will receive any support after that. What would be the procedure in coming to you for private post-op care? WIll I need to bring my MRI results and operation notes? How soon will you be able to see me? How often would you recommend I see you?
Sorry I have a lot of questions!
I hope you can help,
January 11, 2014
Hi Katherine
It’s not really fair not knowing what’s wrong and the expectations considering its your knee that’s been operated on.
The tricky bit, even though surgeons all have protocols for operations, is that they are the sole person who know exactly what they’ve done to what bit.
After next week you should be fully equipped with all the info you need to answer all your questions and manage your expectations. Write a list before you go and make sure you get the answers you want and what the surgeon thinks you’ll be able achieve.
We’ll be in prime position to then be able to take over your care – and we’ll fully liase with you surgeon if needs be. We’ve got fully kitted out rehab studios and superbly skilled post op physios who can give you all the care, advice and help you’ll need.
The more info you bring, the better. I’d of thought that after being reviewed by your OS would be a great time to start Physio. How much you’ll need and how often will depend on what you come in with! If your knee is not too painful just swollen and restricted then you may well kneed more rehab and a home program to follow (and reviews with us). If its painful then you may initially need less rehab but more pain relieving, hands on treatment first.
All depends on what you’ve got – we can tell you more once we’ve seen you….