Rest is the answer! The Guru explains to Carys that after an Ultra Marathon any tweak is magnified
June 25, 2015
Hi there,
I recently ran a trail ultra marathon, which involved a number of steep ascents and descents. I tweaked my left knee running downhill and it now feels tender on the inside of the knee, along the top of shin on the attachment just below the knee and a around the kneecap.
My inner quad is also a bit sore. I rested for a full week and then ran on it as it felt normal again and it has now flared up again.
What’s the best course of action?
June 25, 2015
I hate to imagine all the excessive bone and tissue loading that occurs during a UM.
Your tweak becomes magnified and knocks the healing process off course for a longer amount of time than you would expect due to the excessive loading and the consequential physiological changes.
It’s sounds as if you’ve got a mash up between your MCL (ligament) and the under surface of your knee cap.
Give it at least 10 days rest – you ran after 7 so I’d wait for another 5. Your run (at +5 days) is a recovery run so no more than 5kms.
Allow your body to do what it does best!
The Guru