Calf pain in need of support

January 9, 2014

Kelly asked The Guru for the following Physiotherapy Advice:
Calf pain, when jogging (in classes like boxercise and bootcamp) especially my calfs ache like mad, its almost unbareable.

My instructors have suggested cutting down salt intake and increasing water intake which I have been doing and really stretching before classes but it doesnt help nor does deap heat.

My right calf is the worst makes my calf rock hard and pain can spread down calf to foot as I sort of limp in pain.

I dont want to cut down excercise as I need to loose weight and get fit.

What would you suggest to help rid the pain?

Many thanks

January 9, 2014

Hi Kelly

Sounds as if you’ve done all things possible, but to no avail.

I’d go back to basics and look at your foot posture and the control your trainers need to give you.

A lot of calf issues stem from poor pronation control of your foot. The more you pronate without control, the more you overload your calf muscle.

So, if you think your trainers are knackered – then they probably are and so change them, and get advice from a good shop…if they are new and feel too stiff, then break them in by walking around.

The Guru

Guru Responded

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