Hypermobility in shoulders

July 10, 2019

My daughter is hypermobile, especially in her shoulders. She has had back pain for some months now and cant seem to shift it. Saw her GP, referred to a consultant, told to do physio. Physios to date haven’t helped – one said the muscles in between her ribs were squashed?

Pain can be quite intense. She has a weak left shoulder from a prior injury and a unresolved nerve injury in the shoulder so her muscles are weaker that side and the back pain is lower down that same side i think.

Can you help at all?

Thank you

July 10, 2019

Hi Melanie,

Yes – absolutely.

Don’t get wrapped up in the minute of squashed muscles but instead look at the bigger picture about getting your daughter stronger, more stable with less pain.

We can help – don’t expect over night results – but we can provide a long term solution where she is in control of her own destiny.

The Guru

Guru Responded

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