Clinic Locations
Past Employment
NHS physiotherapy for 11 years
Some specialism in hands, back pain and pain clinic
Private physio practice in London for 10 years
NHS Rheumatology Specialist Practitioner at Oxford managing inflammatory arthritis with some part time private practice
Then moved to Poole to lead a NHS Rheumatology Specialist Practitioner Team and part time private practice at Six Physiotherapy
Qualified from
Also fluent in
Working background
Jane spent over 10 years in NHS physiotherapy, achieved her advanced musculoskeletal exam (MACP) and moved to a well reputed private practice in Fulham treating head to toe joint and spinal problems.
She moved to Oxford to specialise in arthritis with patients in rheumatology, while studying for her MSc in Advanced Health Care Practice, qualifying her to prescribe medicines and inject joints. She continued to see patients with musculoskeletal problems at The Oxford Physiotherapy centre.
Drawn to the sea, Jane moved to Poole Hospital Rheumatology Department to lead a team of Rheumatology Practitioners, where she was given a Poole Hospital Service Improvement Award for patient care in arthritis.
As well as her hospital work, Jane lectures First Contact Practitioners at Bournemouth University, who work in GP practices, on how to differentially diagnoses various types of arthritis.
Question & Answer
The best piece of advice you've ever been given is…
Its not the days in your life , it’s the life in your days.
What’s the best pizza you’ve ever had and where?
Peperoni and onion at Pizzaland many years ago.
What do you think you do better than 90% of people?
Roast potatoes!
What's your go-to karaoke song?
Wonderwall – Oasis.
What would you do if you had 2 days paid to rest and recuperate?
Dog walking on the beach with good friends and long relaxed pub lunches.