Clinic Locations
Past Employment
On Your Game Physiotherapy 2021-2022
Ascenti 2022-2025
Qualified from
Also fluent in
Working background
During my studies, I was fortunate enough to gain experience working as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at Oxfordshire County Cricket Academy. After graduating from my Master’s Degree, I moved to London and went straight into working as a physiotherapist at a Sport’s Performance and Injuries clinic where I worked with athletes of all backgrounds and experienced a variety of sporting injuries throughout my time there. More recently working for a private physiotherapy company based in Central London before moving to Six Physio.
Question & Answer
The best piece of advice you've ever been given is…
Embrace challenges, see obstacles as opportunities for growth.
What’s the best pizza you’ve ever had and where?
The FAB (Feta, Avo, Biltong)….. pineapple does belong on pizza!
What do you think you do better than 90% of people?
Chat about cricket.
What's your go-to karaoke song?
Build Me Up Buttercup – The Foundations
What would you do if you had 2 days paid to rest and recuperate?
One day at Lord’s and and one day on the golf course. Or maybe 2 days on the golf course.