Bruised coccyx – any top tips?
December 4, 2017
Hi, I slipped down the stairs last weekend and have bruised my coccyx. No bruising has appeared and i’m OK walking and sitting up straight but it hurts when i bend down and it is generally sore.
What exercise can i do to help the recovery and any tips to speed up the recovery? I’m a running addict so this is killing me not been able to exercise.
December 4, 2017
Hi Laura
You can’t really do anything to speed the process up, but you can slow the process down.
There are no magic stretches or exercises but moving badly or trying to do too much too soon will not help, so go easy on the running.
Make sure you sit on a cushion when sitting on a hard chair, give it another week or so and see what gives.
If after a week and you still have got pain then it may not be a simple bruise, but could be related to your back which is a knock on effect of landing on your coccyx.
The Guru