Pilates rehab for a broken ankle
- Related Injuries: Feet, Ankles & Lower leg
January 10, 2014
Maria Nesbitt asked The Guru for the following Physiotherapy Advice:
I broke my ankle 4 months ago but was misdiagnosed. I finally got a brace fitted 6 weeks later consequently having then been diagnosed with bone marrow oedema syndrome in my foot I have been walking badly. My consultant now says I can go back to doing pilates but would benefit with having physio.
Can you advise if you work with Virgin Active at Barbican please as that’s my home gym? Thank you
Maria Nesbitt
January 10, 2014
Hi Maria
Poor you!
Pilates is great, but if you don’t have the ability to move very well,
then it may initially become frustrating as you won’t be able to
progress as rapidly.
The bone reaction in your foot is due to poor loading. The body cleverly adapts to this by letting other bits become stiffer. This is where your Physio, before Pilates needs to be focussed. Then its rehab all the way into Pilates.
All our clinics have Pilates/rehab studios for mat and equipment based Pilates treatement; and all our Pilates teachers are Physios, so they are great at rehab and progressing you.
We’re very happy to talk to anybody, anywhere about helping you along.