Tatler recommends 5 treatments to ‘bend you back into shape’ 29th May 2015Fiona Troup can ‘Repair’
Who Fiona Troup
The lowdown: A pint-sized wonder who mixes physiotherapy and pilates, Troup is a fixer of broken bodies. Surprisingly, she doesn’t begin with what ails you physically, but with your breathing (most of us don’t do it properly, which can lead co all sorts of problems). So before any exercises or machines, she teaches proper, controlled breathing techniques: once you’ve mastered the inhale/exhale (easier said than done), she introduces the gentlest, most subtle pilates movements while monitoring (you guessed it) your breathing. It’s a slow journey, but under Troup’s watchful, experienced eye, aches and pains become a thing of the past. Our verdict If you’re an adrenalin junkie, you will be begging for faster, harder, tougher. But often it’s extreme overexercising or high-intensity training chat got you into this mess, so stick with it.
Details £70 for an initial 6O-minute assessment. At Six Physio, 2 Harley Street, WI (sixphysio.com; 020 7636 6353).