The Guru explains to Lorna that her knee pain is due to repetitive loading so patella taping is advisable
April 8, 2015
I hope you can help! I am due to run the London marathon in three weeks which will be my third marathon in 3 years.
Training had been going better than ever and then last Sunday I had a half marathon in the rain and wind. I felt fine on the day but went to run Tuesday and my right knee was really tender, it had been like this Monday too. Only did ten miles tues and then rested Wednesday.
Thursday I did 10km on the treadmill which didn’t feel bad; I’ve been using the numbing gel and ibuprofen all week and the knee was getting better. I attempted my last long run (22miles) today but had to stop at 18 as the pain was so severe. It’s a shooting pain under and above my knee cap.
I have got a support and have had ice on it this afternoon but so worried about my last week and taper before the big day.
I run a half in 1.32 and previously ran a full in 3.43, was really hoping for sub 3.30! Please help!
Thank you
April 8, 2015
Hi Lorna
Speedy stuff!
The underneath of your kneecap is starting to object to the amount of repetitive load being put through it – and the bone structure swells slightly giving intense pain.
Minimising load is therefore (unfortunately) key or at least allow appropriate load through it.
I think you need to have you patella taped, pretty much all of the time to make sure your loading is optimal – like this see our taping video all the body to do what it’s really good at doing, healing itself without you destroying it!
Foam rolling your ITB, ice, glut med stuff key…but timing is key.
Good luck
The Guru
Lorna replied to the Guru immediately:
Great, thank you I have taped my leg and still resting and icing it etc.
My friend said it might be a tear as it felt like something snapped on Friday? Is this likely? Do you think I need to book in to see a Physio? Thank you!
.. One stressed runner!
The Guru replied…
Ah “the friend”! Very much doubt it’s a tear as generally (thankfully) they are pretty pain free and always accompanied by swelling. I think your OK.
Seeing a Physio is never a bad idea!
The Guru
Six Physio