The Guru agrees with Matthew’s own diagnosis of shin splints so recovery time is now key

July 31, 2015

Hi there,

I’ve been running for more than 10 years and have been doing a lot of trail running recently (lots of steep downhills) and now seem to be suffering from shin splints. The pain is on the inside ankle bone and inside lower leg (also a bit in the lower calf muscle) It was a bit puffy but ice and rest for a week and swelling seems to have gone done. Tried a short run yesterday and although still a bit sore doesn’t seem much worse.

Any advice?



July 31, 2015

Hi Matthew

What time scales are you talking about?

Shin splints seems to be in the right ball park diagnosis. Shin splints are a stress reaction due to overloading the tissue.

They recover when the cause of the overload is sorted (steep downhills seem very logical) BUT the time for recovery is now key and this ultimately relates to the amount of time you’ve been over stressing your tissue….

Boney stress reactions can take miles longer than you’d expect…..

The Guru

Guru Responded

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