With a clunking shoulder the Guru advises Christine to get better control of her shoulder muscles
- Related Injuries: Shoulder
April 27, 2015
I was involved in a car accident several months ago and have been dealing with a lot of neck / upper body stiffness and pain. My right shoulder is always tight and still unable to lift above my head.
I’ve been working with a kinesiologist and doing a lot of strengthening and stretching but I’m having alot of shoulder clunking and crackling with movement especially when raising arm up. Its hard to tell if my flare-ups are related.
Any help is much appreciated.
April 27, 2015
Hi Christine
Not sure I get your drift. You have flare ups of pain or less movement or stiffness or clunking?
More info please.
The Guru
Six Physio
Christine replies:
Just wondering if i should be concerned about my shoulder clunking. I dont have pain with the clunking but i have pain stiffness and pain after doing exercise. Meaning flareups.
The Guru:
Clicking or clunking without pain is not a problem. Pain with, maybe!
The stiffness is most likely to be due to a chronic, ongoing inflammatory process – you need to deal with this part by getting better control of (not just exercising) your muscles around your shoulder.
Good luck
The Guru
Six Physio