Clinic Locations
Past Employment
Prior to becoming a therapist I was a secondary school teacher and before that I worked in advertising
Qualified from
The North London School of Sports Massage
Also fluent in
No fluent
Working background
As well as working with a wide variety of clients at several clinics, I have supported elite cyclists, athletes at marathons including the London Marathon, and ultra-marathons in the UK and abroad. I am a keen participant in sport – particularly hiking, running, cycling and skiing. I have run the Brighton Marathon, cycled up Mount Ventoux and am currently working towards competing at HYROX functional fitness events.
Question & Answer
The best piece of advice you've ever been given is…
Take a breath
What’s the best pizza you’ve ever had and where?
Vegetarian with crispy kale, pine nuts and chilli jam – we make them at home
What do you think you do better than 90% of people?
Cook, draw, teach, massage
What's your go-to karaoke song?
Not a good idea…
What would you do if you had 2 days PAID to rest and recuperate?
A massive hike on day 1 over The Downs, finishing with a swim in the sea – then a spa!