Kelly has pain at base of her skull
October 11, 2016
Hi I have pain and tightness at the right hand base of skull for while now went to chiropractor yesterday and he said muscles at shoulder blades were stuck toget her he sorted that and adjusted my neck av got 2 questions 1 could that be case my specific pain and tighntes 2how many treatments with chiropractor will I need
October 11, 2016
Hi Kelly
I’d suspect that the tight muscles were a product of your pain and not a cause. Getting rid of the tightness won’t change the cause and so the pain may well feel temporarily better, it’ll return. Most people who have a pain at the base of their neck is because it moves too much (and doesn’t need to be be manipulated) because something else (your thoracic spine and posture) doesn’t move enough.
How session? Depends on the Chiro – it could range from 1 to 100000000!
The Guru
Six Physio