The Guru explains how important it is to use trained physios for Pilates
September 22, 2014
Hello Guru,
I was working on stabilising my joints by doing pilates but although I know it helped me in some ways I realised it was causing me a lot of pain too and aggravating my bursitis in my hips amongst other things. Even though I had first had a consultation with a physiotherapist and she had given some guidelines. I stopped doing any activity and have done so for almost two years now and have been very much better. I know this is not a long term solution but am finding it hard to justify doing anything when it always leads to me getting worse. Part of the problem is that people really don’t seem to understand the things that set me off.
Do you have any advice for me on how to become more active without making things worse and any treatment suggestions on how to help longer term. My worst areas are neck (and jaw), hips and feet. My mid back has become a problem recently. I am guessing that quadratus lamborium may be the one really kicking off. I am 48.
Thank you,
September 22, 2014
Hi Jackie
What a hotch pitch of stuff!
It’s always a bit miserable when you’re trying your hardest to look after yourself and it doesn’t seem to be helping a jot.
I don’t believe that anything should make your symptoms worse over time. You can have a slight increase in stuff you feel when exercising, but it must give you significant relief later. I know what you mean when people just don’t seem to understand. I think you tell the simple and unadulterated truth – we have a real tendency to pat it into the shape we want it to be – it makes us look brill, but doesn’t help you get any better.
Pilates is the prime example – we only use pilates teachers who are qualified physios. This enables them to relate your pain and pathology to what’s actually wrong with you…if anything is! Pilates, or any control based rehab solution cannot make you worse if it’s done well. If it gives you symptoms then you’ve lost the control and defeating the purpose of doing it in the first place.
You’ve got a good few symptoms – but you really need to establish why. The why will dictate what needs to be done, or you’ll just chase the symptoms around. Your QL is prime example….you don’t just wake up with a dodgy QL, it happens because of something.
Start in the middle – get your thoracic spine moving better. You need to be given the ability to move better, not just necessarily more. The better bit is more, but with control and this is key….
The Guru
Six Physio