Lower Limb

Self tape your Knee
McConnell patella taping

Runners Knee
Injury prevention
Foam Roller – Stretch Legs
No Pain no gain!
Quad Stretch
Also shows how ‘not to do it’!
Hamstring Stretch
Stretch safely, don’t injure your back
Medial Knee Pain
The best exercises for Inner knee pain
Tib post dysfunction
Exercises for inside ankle pain
Achilles tendon pain
Specific progressive loading
Tight Hamstrings?
#feelthedifference in 2 weeks!
Ankle pain
3 Simple exercises #control
Plantar Faciitis
Don’t poke it. Don’t stretch it.
Anterior Knee pain
The 3 best exercises
#ITB Superset
Progressive set of 4 exercises
Tight Calf muscles?
This SLUMP test will tell you…
Calf Stretch
How to stretch your calf properly
Progressive Calf Strengthening
Can you do 20 single leg raises?
Sitting to Standing
Can be pain free
Spiky Ball
For lower back pain
For lower back pain
How NOT to do the Superman
Common mistakes