Paul Houghoughi
Consultant Physiotherapist, Hand Therapist, Manual Physio, MSK Sonographer, Rehab Physio
Clinic Locations
Past Employment
2006-2012 : London and Dorset NHS (Various).
2009-2011 : London Shootfighters.
2012-Present: BWT Physio.
2021: Lead Physio for GB Climbing, Tokyo Olympics.
2024: Duel Federation Physio for GB Climbing and Ukraine, Paris Olympics.
Qualified from
Also fluent in
Working background
2006-2012 : London and Dorset NHS (Various). Specialised in Musculoskeletal and Orthopedic injuries.
2009-2011 : London Shootfighters. Private clinic in one of the UKs top MMA gyms.
2012-Present: BWT Physio. Consultant Physio and MSK Sonographer
2021: Lead Physio for GB Climbing, Tokyo Olympics.
2024: Duel Federation Physio for GB Climbing and Ukraine, Paris Olympics.
Question & Answer
The best piece of advice you've ever been given is…
Life has no rewind. Enjoy every moment.
What’s the best pizza you’ve ever had and where?
Pizza Pescatore – BBs, Sheffield.
What do you think you do better than 90% of people?
Identify the ‘what’ not the ‘why’ (find the source of the problem, don’t get distracted by the symptoms).
What's your go-to karaoke song?
Don’t stop me now.
What would you do if you had 2 days paid to rest and recuperate?
Go climbing somewhere remote.